A review by the_fabric_of_words
The Assassin's Curse by Kevin Sands


In this third book, the author takes Christopher, Tom and Sally out of London and the Blackthorn Apothecary to Paris, France, to foil a plot to kill the French King and his wife and family.

The boys are pulled by Lord Ashcrombe to the English King's palace one night, so the King can express his "appreciation" for their efforts exposing the Plague con and recovering the city's money for the poor and inflicted.

But in typical Christopher fashion, he follows his nose, finds a dead wine taster, and heads down a set of stairs to encounter a poisoner who gets the better of him with a cord around his neck. When Tom gets him free, he has no voice and is forced to save the King by throwing a bottle, shattering the King's wine glass. For this, he and Tom and Sally earn not the King's wrath, but rather an assignment to track down the poisoner -- in the French court!

Because Lord Ashcrombe is able to decipher the last bit of code on a message the poisoner left behind, showing the plot isn't really to kill the King of England, but rather his sister, the wife of the French King.

But to get into the French court, Christopher must impersonate Lord Ashcrombe's nephew (with his Lord's permission, of course) and Tom is his "man." He's quite awful at impersonating nobility, and it quickly found out by a man who knew and loved his former master. Sally infiltrates the court as a minor Lady, and inadvertently cozies up to the absolute wrong noblewoman.

Meanwhile, Christopher and Tom are trying to head off the poisoner by finding the poisoner's objective before he can -- an ancient treasure, hidden from the French King centuries ago, by the Order of the Templars.

This is another fantastically plotted thriller that leaves you guessing right up to the very end. No, I'm not spoiling the ending. Read it for yourself and enjoy! I couldn't put this one down and my daughter ate it up.

A fantastic, roller coaster ride of a read!

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