A review by bestdressedbookworm
Phantom Limbs by Paula Garner


I’m absolutely in the minority when I say I don’t think I liked this book at all and the intriguing nature of the story line didn’t detract enough from all the elements I thought didn’t feel right. I vary rarely don’t rate a book but I’m struggling with a rating for this. I didn’t really like any of the characters. I got annoyed that Otis felt like he deserved meg in some way because of their past, he’s obsessing over a girl who left town when he was 13, 3 years later she comes back and he just thinks everything will go back to normal. I thought meg as a character was a little boring and under developed and although she plays a large part in the final parts of the story by the time you get to that you have no attention span for her because she just strings Otis along in a really strange way for so much of the book. She has a boyfriend yet she gets annoyed when Dara is around or in the picture. It’s teen hormonal rubbish and there was too much of it in this book. and I thought Dara was a complete b**** pretty much all the time. Although this book dealt with the topic of grief pretty well none of the characters actually did, I almost felt like they were using it as an excuse for their behaviour all the time. I loved Paula Garners other work and will continue to read her books but i just don’t know about this one.