A review by littlemainelibrarian
Fire Bound by Christine Feehan


I have loved every book in this series and it was with utter joy that I ran to B&N and picked up this book. Have you ever just known you were going to love something before even touching, tasting or reading it? Such was my feelings as I reached for this book on the shelf. I was not the slightest disappointed!
I will have to admit that the sex scenes are VERY sexy! I do not think I have blushed so much for a character in a book, yet I continued to turn the page. LOL! My heart skittered in my chest quite a few times, both in anticipation and fear. There was so much emotion - I think more so in this book than the others, but there is a great chance I have said that with each of the series as I've read them. ;-)
Women who are both strong and vulnerable and men who need them as much as they are needed, couples who fit together like a glove but still see the quirks in each other, true, deep, abiding love, and family, always the importance of family whether blood born or heart born. That is what this series is all about and the reasons I adore each book in it.
t is what I have come to recognize as I've gotten to know more about the author, that her love for family is paramount in her life. She has a "yours, mine & ours" family and they are the most important thing to her and it shows in everything she does, from the pictures she posts on FB to the thread that runs beautifully through each of her series. This is why she is my favorite contemporary author. :-)