A review by reddhead16
Isolation Island by Louise Minchin



I for one would not want to be a contestant on one of these reality tv shows, no matter that it takes place on a cool isolated island with an abandoned monastery. It did make for a fun and thrilling story though.  It is always interesting when you take a group of several wildly different people, with dreams and goals of their own for if they win the prize and then set them up for unfair challenges which further divide them (like the saints and sinners sleeping quarters) and also raise one person higher than the rest and you are sure to get drama, even if everything is being recorded. Though the bodies don't start showing up until the storms hits and knocks out all power. People sure behave differently when they think they aren't being watched so they can get away with much more!

Since the point of view is from Lauren's perspective and her being a journalist albeit one with a mission of her own for one of the other contestants, it is easy to root for her and hope she can find justice for her friend. There are lots of suspects for the murders and it was fun to try and figure out the who and why and how. I will say I did not feel bad for the ones who ended up dead, except for the last one. And I do like how Lauren chooses not to go the easy way but is willing to put everything on the line to discover the truth.

A thrilling read though I wouldn't mind going to see the island, as long as there was power and no big storm on the way!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a chance to read and review this book!