A review by emmylux7
It's Getting Scot in Here by Suzanne Enoch

Did not finish book.
DNF: 206
*I won this arc in a Goodreads giveaway. All opinions stated are my own.

One of my main reasons for wanting to set this book on fire is the number of grammatical & punctuation errors. Yes it's an arc, but that's not a good justification. It literally felt as the editor fell asleep at the midway point & decided the book was fine. Last time I checked a run-on sentence doesn't count as a paragraph. The one thing that really got me was the amount of times the word "but" would follow a comma or a semi colon. Can confirm there are other words that can do a better job than the word 'but' can.

My final reason that turned my off the book were the McTaggart men; specifically Coll. He's absolutely despicable, especially to Amelia (pg 44 calls her a harlot after spending less than 5mins w/), & yet his actions are completely brushed aside. Niall even explains his douche-y-ness away as him "being stubborn". Umm no sir your brothers an egotistical buffon.
Niall also doesn't get off scot free. Immediately after Amelia & him kiss once, he only see's her as a prize to be one. even goes out of his way to tell her "I'll convince ye." (pg 201) that they're meant to be. HOW BOUT NO! that's not how you build a healthy relationship. Let the chips fall where they may; you can't manipulate people into falling in love with you. I guess it makes sense when you have sons who were raised by a sociopathic father with a flare for the dramatics.

The one saving grace was Francesca; she is my queen & deserves more respect than was given to her. And I'm not just talking about her horrible pigheaded sons.