A review by ihateprozac
The Pinhoe Egg by Diana Wynne Jones


Awwh man, this was definitely my favourite of the Chrestomanci series - such a shame it was the last one! It's another one set in the castle during Christopher Chant's reign as Chrestomanci, with Cat as his apprentice. I do love me some Chrestomanci in his dressing gowns XD

Initially I didnt really know where the Pinhoe/Farleigh storyline was going, and I spent many a page wanting to stab Gammer and all the Pinhoes. But all tied up wonderfully in the end, especially with the stories of the hidden creatures, and the Pinhoes slightly redeeming themselves - though I still find myself wanting to stab Marianne's father.

This is by far the cutest book of the series, and everytime Klartch was mentioned my face literally went like this ^_^! I think I loved this one the most because it dealt with magical creatures, and the story about Gaffer and the unicorn, and the sinister misdirection spells and barriers were genuinely mysterious, unlike [b:Witch Week|47572|Witch Week (Chrestomanci, #3)|Diana Wynne Jones|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1170347858s/47572.jpg|7122639], which I hated with a passion.

Don't want to spoil it for any potential readers, but this book is positively ADORABLE and definitely redeems any faults with the other books in the series. Diana Wynne Jones creates cute and fascinating mythology, and yet again manages to create utterly frustrating characters that make you want to throttle them XD