A review by sarahs_bookish_life
My Sister's Secret by Tracy Buchanan


My Sister’s Secret is told through Charity and her daughter Willow. Charity’s chapters are in the past where as Willow’s are in present day.

Willow lost her parents at a young age and had been brought up by her aunt Hope. I couldn’t imagine losing one parent at such a young age, never mind losing both. Even though she has had a relatively happy childhood she does seem to have some resentment to her aunt who seems to be reluctant to talk about Charity and her past.

The majority of chapters to do with Charity are prior to her having Willow and gives us more insight into her relationship and her relationship with two men who are play very big parts in her life.

This is very much a story that needs to be inhaled slowly. Even though there are shocks and surprises in store, it is told at a gentle pace which draws you in and consumes you. I was desperate for answers like Willow but I savoured every minute until the author was ready to share them with us.

My Sister’s Secret is very much one of family secrets and searching for the truth. It held me captive throughout and I really enjoyed this slower paced thriller. Definitely well worth the read.