A review by bookishrealm
Girls, The Complete Collection by Joshua Luna, Jonathan Luna


This was the weirdest and I mean weirdest comic book I've read in a while. It definitely had some great aspects about it including the premise of these aliens coming to earth to multiply and take over. It made my skin crawl every time one of the characters talked about it though. I mean hatching from eggs? That's just sick. I can't believe that I read all 600 pages of this so quickly and I think it's because I kept wanting to figure out why these girls were there in the first place. What I didn't like about it was the fact that as a reader you never really get the answer to that question. Some of the characters fell flat and the ending and resolution seemed a bit rushed. If you're into science fiction comics I would check this one out, but don't go in expecting something completely epic. Just enjoy it for what it is. I think that one of the most interesting aspects of this comic for me was definitely the artwork. I read Alex + Ada, all three volumes, maybe two years ago and the characters from that comic series look exactly like the characters in this series. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but Jonathan Luna definitely has an obvious style. Either way I'm glad I read it randomly and got to see more of their work.