A review by booksbythewindow
Harlem Shuffle by Colson Whitehead

For full review: https://booksbythewindow.wordpress.com/2022/03/09/harlem-shuffle/

Summary:  Harlem Shuffle follows the narrative of Ray Carney, a furniture salesman who prides himself on being honest, but in reality is accepting and moving stolen goods for his cousin, Freddie, and associates. Things become much more complicated when Freddie puts Carney’s name forward as the middleman for the armed robbery of a hotel where the rich of the community store valuable items. This unwanted referral triggers a series of events across Carney’s life which drag him deeper and deeper into a world that he never wanted. 

Overall Thoughts:  Overall, this was a really enjoyable read with characters that I felt very invested in as a reader. Ray Carney is a complex character: his desire to be a good husband and father is strong but there is something in him that keeps dragging him into the criminal world.  Although the novel deals with some heavy issues, the overall tone of it is relatively light-hearted, mostly as a result of the characters providing their perspectives. It is not a narrative that takes itself too seriously, even when it is describing serious events, and yet it never feels as though it is making light of Carney’s situation.  For those who enjoy literary fiction, this would be a good holiday read as, although it does touch on serious topics, it never feels heavy and has a lighter tone throughout the narrative.