A review by melc
The Tower: A Novel by Flora Carr

Did not finish book. Stopped at 44%.
This is a claustrophobic fictional glimpse into the days Mary Queen of Scots spent in imprisonment. 

The historical research and detail is thorough and somewhat interesting, although it has been extensively written and rewritten before. I also found the flow between historical information and background didn't often merge well with the fictional narrative and found the jumping around jarring.

There were too many florrid descriptions and metaphors that began to grate on me. I struggled to relate to the characters although some of the themes of status and class were interesting. But, although I understand they were in a situation that was incredibly tough, frightening and degrading - I began to find their internal voices whiney and irritating, particularly after Seton arrived. 

I started to become quite bored and dnf'd at 44%, but I imagine that many readers would enjoy the feminist, LGBTQ themes with the famous historical figures. However, for me it just didn't blend together well.

This honest review is given with thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this book.