A review by conniejoy529
Love Bites by Ophelia London


* I received a copy of this book through Net Galley in exchange for an honest review

When Sharona (yep, like the song) is given the assignment to travel halfway across the world to Australia to audit a team of marine biologists she expects to get in, get it done, and go home. The trip to starts off poorly, with a spilled Bloody Mary on herself and an unknown passenger,as well as lost luggage. Despite this, Sharona decides to let go for the night and visit the hotel bar, where she promptly spills her second drink of the day on herself and again on a stranger. When she finally stops apologizing and gets a good luck at the handsome stranger, she realizes that things might actually be starting to look up.

Marine biologist Jeff Cruz is back in his home country of Australia to collect data on sharks that he's spent years studying. He thought maybe he had only imagined someone spilling a drink on him on the plane ride, considering he'd been sleeping at the time and no one was there when he awoke. But when a second drink is spilled on him in his hotel bar, and he hears that same voice apologizing, this time he knows it's for real. Jeff can certainly forgive a beautiful woman a little clumsiness, as long as she is willing to share a few drinks with him.

Sharona is fresh off of a bad breakup and while she is no used to picking up guys in bars, the attraction is immediate and soon the flirting gets pretty hot and heavy. Sharona surprise herself by kissing Jeff, and soon they are both making plans for something more. But at the last minute Sharona admits to herself that she is simply not a one night stand kind of girl and sneaks off to her room, leaving Jeff frustrated and wondering if he'll ever see her again. Imagine both their surprise when bright and early the next morning Sharona arrives to audit Jeff's boat.

This was a very cute and quick read. I usually don't care for books where the romance moves along this quickly because it typically seems rushed and completely unrealistic. This entire novella takes place over the course of only 48 hours and has an actually HEA, not just a HFN)(happy for now) ending, but I didn't feel that it was rushed at all, I think it flowed really well. I really appreciate that the author did some research about sharks, marine biology, and tracking systems. I really am impressed by Ophelia London, I've never read her before and I think her writing style of switching point of views from the hero to the heroine to be very interesting. She managed to make the pov transitions smoothly. She also was able to successful write a pretty hot romance that doesn't actually include a traditional love scene.