A review by rereader33
The Seven Deadly Sins, Vol. 11 by Nakaba Suzuki


I'm not going to lie, as much as I am enjoying this series I feel like I'm hitting a wall with the current arc. I'm not saying it's bad, obviously not since I've been giving the last few volumes 5 stars, but at by the end of this volume I'm thinking to myself, "oh, please end soon". The fact that Hendrickson is still alive, and the only plausible explanation (at this point) is that the demon blood he ingested made him stronger, makes me groan a bit. I will say, Merlin seems like a cool character and Arthur is pretty cool, so that's all good. The fight scenes were as badass as ever and I am genuinely curious as to what Ban's going to do in the next volume.

Those are my thoughts, I can only hope this arc is going to wrap up soon...