A review by pardonmywritings
What's Left of Me by Amanda Maxlyn


How is anyone allowed to write a book that good? Seriously. After the author liked a random post of mine on Instagram and after reading her bio, I was interested about her book. A romance between Andrea and Parker except... Andrea has cancer. I've across romances and I've come across cancer stories but to this date I thought only The Fault in Our Stars could work both beautifully. How wrong I was. How selfishly wrong.

The writing was on point and had me hooked from the first chapter. So much so that I've literally just spent my Saturday huddled in bed and glued to my phone reading. I only left to eat a very late lunch and when my mum nagged me to wash the dishes for the billionth time. It was that good!

Parker was a total dreamboat and I absolutely love his sass. His reaction to funding about Dre's cancer was highly anticipated but I couldn't predict it so hats of to you Amanda!

And can we just marvel at the creation of such a wonderful protagonist?! Seriously, I thought nothing could beat Hazel Grace in terms of contemporary characters based in real life scenarios but Aundrea takes Hazel out the water! She was just relatable, believable and respectable. Loved her!

And all other characters were amazingly portrayed. Jean's wittiness, Jason's kindness and Genna's weird combination of popcorn and pickle juice... I don't think I love her enough to try that though! Sorry.

What especially surprised me about this book and why I loved it so much is that there was a great balance between the romance and the cancer part of the story. You could see their relationship developing but at the same time, you weren't burdened with Dre's many doctor appointments. I think the medicines mentioned are all real contrary to the one in TFIOS and I found myself slowly becoming interested in Dre's disease and what she was doing/taking to help her. Of course Parker's reaction to it was amazing and he was a true gentleman the whole way.

Thank you Amanda for making me cry at several points during this book for which I will not mention for the sake of spoilers but your story has now found a way into my heart alongside the others which have made me cry. However I will not forgive you for that plot twist at the end because I cried...again. Not fair.

This book has to be a movie now else I'll come severely irritated. Be right back while I search for a Parker of my own... X