A review by slovenianbookworm
Skyscraper Cinderella by K Webster


Deliciously gripping from the first to the last page!

If you follow my blog or read my reviews for a while then you know I’m not a fan of trilogies. At all. I didn’t know this was a trilogy when I signed up for this book so when I found out I wasn’t exactly thrilled. The ARC copy was given five days before release and I thought I wouldn’t read it so fast.

I was so, so wrong.

ARC was made out of three parts, three books that don’t really have a huge cliffhanger in between them but it is more of a continuation of the story.

The first book, Skyscraper Cinderella, was an introduction to Ash, an 18 (19?) year old girl who managed to get herself in trouble by eating candy in a company where the hero (Winston) works. He is instantly smitten by her because she is not complying to his demands as staff do.

What I am not used to and I definitely wasn’t a fan of was that Win’s kinks were humiliation and name-calling (slut, whore, etc). He liked to humiliate Ash in public or in private by doing weird stuff and paying her for that. I felt like he forced her so I gave the first book (part whatever) a 3 star.

The other two books were great, I can’t say there’s anything really different than the first book. We found out that Ash actually enjoys doing humiliating stuff for Winston and provoking him on every step. I quite liked her because she was sassy, strong, and knew how to stand up for herself.

Winston was adorable with how he tried to say he wasn’t affected by her yet he couldn’t keep his mind or hands off her. And he was so cute with Ash’s pet bird!

This book definitely surprised me in a good way. I honestly couldn’t stop reading it and I couldn’t wait to read more of Ash’s sassiness and Winston’s protectiveness.

The other two parts were a 5 from me, so it’s 4.5 altogether.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
ARC was provided via Valentine PR in exchange for an honest review. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Full post: https://slovenianbookworm.wordpress.com/2021/07/30/skyscraper-cinderella-by-k-webster/