A review by jellichor
The Skeleton Key by Erin Kelly


This wasn’t quite what I was expecting - and took me way too long to read. I was lured in by the enticing blurb and intriguing cover - it was giving me eery gothic mystery and adventure. But alas, I got toxic family drama instead, with a hint of a treasure hunt. Dare I say both the cover and the blurb are misleading? Where is my skeleton key?

The short chapters are a plus - especially when jumping from ‘now’ and ‘then’ - but I found the jumbled order of the time jumps very irritating. I’m not a massive fan of having to flick back to the start of chapters to check what year it is.

And the typos, oh the typos. Using the wrong character name in parts? extra words here, missing words there. Honestly, where are their proof readers?!

Anyway. It’s written well enough and the odd twist here and there meant I didn’t DNF it. So if what you’re looking for is narcissistic artists and a whole heap of MESSED UP relationships of all kinds - then this one is for you!