A review by theravenkingx
Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell

sad slow-paced


I'm perplexed as to why this book is marketed as being inspired by Shakespeare's life. It seems the narrative could apply to anyone, and the use of Shakespeare's name feels unnecessary, particularly if there was no intention to reference him in the story. The content is largely fictional. It has nothing to do with Shakespeare. 

The book is passable. However, I struggled to grasp its purpose, and the writing style did not appeal to me. It is overwritten and  unnecessarily lyrical. The long descriptions bored me. Author uses ten words to describe what could have been described in one word. 

The story unfolds from a third-person viewpoint, with minimal dialogue among the characters. It predominantly consists of a monotonous narration of their everyday lives. It lacks the emotional impact the author had intended.