A review by isabellarobinson7
Doctor Who: Casualties of War by Steve Emmerson


Rating: 2.5 stars

" 'As someone once very famously said,' he gave Briggs a stern look, and spoke with a mock-foreign accent, ' "I'll be back!" '
Then he was gone again, marching off through the dark with Briggs at his heels.
'Who famously said that then?' Briggs asked breathlessly, struggling to keep up.
'Oh, I don't know,' the Doctor replied dismissively. 'Can't remember. Probably somebody like Napoleon.' "

This book was aiming for a 3, maybe a 3.5 depending on how the conclusion panned out, but it fell off a bit towards the end. It was possibly a little too rushed, plus I think it could have worked better should there have been a touch more foreshadowing throughout the rest of the story.

I did like the dynamic with Mary Minett and the Doctor, though it got to be more so on the romance side of things, perhaps slightly too heavily at times for my taste at least (and I should mention that my “taste” when it comes to romance is for it to be minimal). It was fun to read about anyway.

The Eighth Doctor always feels like a stranger to me. Obviously we didn't get much of him on screen, so it is automatically going to be weird consuming other media that includes him. With all the others, I go into their additional content knowing a fair amount about their characters and personalities, but Eight…? We saw him for barely and hour and a half. All we really know is that he’s Paul McGann. That’s about it. I own one more Eighth Doctor novel, so I will be interested to see how he reads in that one… when I eventually get to it.