A review by fxank62
The Beast Within: A Tale of Beauty's Prince by Serena Valentino


After reading [b:Fairest of All: A Tale of the Wicked Queen|6124802|Fairest of All A Tale of the Wicked Queen|Serena Valentino|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1360570756s/6124802.jpg|6303264] I HAD to read this one. Although, not as good as its predecessor, I did find it's story interesting.

We all know this story, the Prince was a jerk, the enchantress comes, curses him, he falls in love and he and Belle live happily ever after. This story changes a few details and really just focused on the Beast's brutality. We're introduced to one of the Beast's attempts at breaking the curse, Princess Tulip Morningstar and focus on her character growth more than the princes. I mean her inner monologue was more on display than the beast. The beast was just concerned with breaking his curse and Tulip was focused on how she should behave as a fiancé and at the same time as a woman.

We were also introduced to the Odd Sisters' younger sister Circe (whose name I still do not know how to pronounce) who is in fact the enchantress that cursed the Prince.

Overall the book was interesting. I didn't really enjoy it as much but it was still a good read. I wish it would have addressed why the Prince was the way he was, give a little more of a back story.