A review by narteest
The Unbound by V.E. Schwab


Read for my 3-day Camping Trip reading marathon. This was my third book, following hot on the heels of The Archived reread. I loved it. I really loved the Unbound. While I can see where, if this had a third novel, it might seem a little weak next to The Archived, I still loved the Unbound. It was just as creative, just as creepy (actually I think it got a bit creepier) than the Archived. And it definitely had all that Schwab flavour to it that I loved.

I love Mac, she was great. I love the stress she went through in this book. Mean, I know. But it was good character building for her.

Agatha, the assessor, was a bit of a b****. But then again, it was her job to make sure everything worked, and to keep it that way.

Wesley is great. I love him. He was a bit strange to me in The Archived, but when I reread that, I total loved him the second time round. And in the Unbound, he becomes even more mysterious! I love the interactions between him and Mac, and also between him and his friends in a different environment compared to the one Mac first meets him in, looking unlike anything expected.

Owen - creepy as ever!

Roland. Roland, I really like that guy! And his red sneaks.

As for the plot. I liked it, but it has a bit of the stock standard associated with it. In that the disappearing and the History chase the main character thing, is pretty common to say....a ghost story? As the lore in this series is pretty similar to that, only with different description.

But in saying that, it was just as thrilling all the same. Mac is really thrown into a corner for this plot, and I love how she gets out of it!!

Sorry, this review seems half-hearted, but I really don't want to say too much. The Archived must be read to be understood! And when understood, the Unbound can be explored,omg, please give me more of VE Schwab's delicious world!

Please let there be another book? I just know that ending is not quite complete!