A review by mackenzierm
The Book Club Hotel by Sarah Morgan


The Maple Sugar Inn has a picture-perfect library and historic charm, making it an ideal winter destination. The inn is fully booked with guests as the holidays approach. Hattie is exhausted from juggling the hotel and being a dedicated single mom after having been recently widowed. Her one dream is making it through this holiday season. Erica, Claudia, and Anna check in for a book club holiday, and change everything. Hattie can see that they’re each packing some emotional baggage and is entirely unprepared for how deeply her own story will intertwine with theirs. 

As I picked this up in August, I had absolutely no idea that this book would be Christmas-y. I was thinking winter vibes but alas, this is such a sweet story that it didn’t even matter that this was set during the winter holidays. The setting of the Maple Sugar Inn is so cozy and atmospheric, making me long for a cozy winter day as I read. 

THE BOOK CLUB HOTEL is told in four POVs: Hattie, Erica, Claudia, and Anna. These four women hold very different lifestyles, so it was interesting to see they come together and rely on one another. I adored the bond these women shared together – they’re so supportive, kind, and caring. It was heartwarming to read.

This is such a cute story with Hallmark vibes, lots of book talk, and an idyllic setting – making it the perfect read for a cozy winter day!