A review by jazmin
The Broken Puppet by Amo Jones


As alluring as a peaceful swan floating on water, but as lethal as a silver bullet.”

This book really made me dislike Madison. She made so many ridiculous decisions throughout this book, and she could have solved everything if she would ONLY READ THE BOOK. I mean, she literally has a guide that EXPLAINS EVERYTHING, and she just takes her sweet time reading it? Huh? And the fact that she was so unconcerned with Tillie? Wow, what a great friend.

But aside from her, the book wasn’t bad. I’m still confused since MADISON WON’T READ THE BOOK, but things are definitely starting to get cleared up and get revealed.

Honestly, at this point, I’m going to continue with the series not because I’m invested in the characters but because I want to know what happens with the plot.

When you fall for the devil, make sure you don’t land facedown with his horns stabbed through your heart.

Also, one thing I want to mention, there are a ton of spelling mistakes in this book. I know editors can’t catch all of them but there WERE SO MANY and they stood out a lot too which got a bit annoying after a while.