A review by kaetheluise_nckl
Her Soul to Take by Harley Laroux


Thank you to Harley for the ARC! I'm not being compensated for this review and all opinions are my own!
full review on https://acorporalkireads.wordpress.com/2021/04/10/her-soul-to-take-review

I loved everything about this book.
I’m used to Harley writing books that are about one-tenth of the size of this one, so my demands for more have finally been met.
Obviously, I am smitten with Leon.
And even though I’m not into paranormal stuff, I also found Rae relatable. She’s badass.
The setting was beautiful and it reminded me of some of my favorite books with supernatural elements.
And the smut … well, I don’t want to spoil any of the scenes, but a lot of them made me go “Oh, I want what she has!” – aloud.
I know it’s a good book when it has me yelling.
Harley has been hyping this book up a lot but all my expectations have been met and I got more than I thought I would!
If you love The Vampire Diaries, Twilight and Beautiful Creatures, the setting is for you, and the smut will not disappoint.
My kindle says it takes 7 hours to read this book, but I promise it is so gripping it’ll feel like you spent no time reading it at all.
I HIGHLY recommend!