A review by adierose74
Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly


Hands down, the best book I read in 2016. One of the best books I've EVER read. And I read A LOT.

I'm not into writing reviews which contain a synopsis of the book, because I think that's a waste of time.

This book was both horrifying and exhilarating. I know it will stay with me forever.

So much of this book had chilling parallels to what is going on in America right now. The words used by Herta Oberheuser could have come from some of the people I hear on Facebook. it's disgusting. I knew about the holocaust. In fact, I find myself reading books about it often. Surprisingly, I don't believe I've ever read anything about the holocaust which was written from the point of view of one of the evil people, rather than one of the victims. That was the most horrifying part.

The fact that Herta could be so callous and so nonchalant about what she was doing was horrific. The fact that she was a real person and she did REAL things broke my heart a million times.

Don't get me wrong, every character in this book was amazing, but Herta will stay with me forever and she has forever changed me in some unknown (as of now) way.

Ugh. I am sure I sound ~cryptic~ and confusing and crazy. I literally just finished the book and it left me in a bit of shock.

The point of this "review" is to say that this book is amazing and I believe it is a must read. Not just for people who enjoy reading, but perhaps for anyone who voted for Trump. Yes, I went there.

To finish, I want to say this: When an author can write about someone who did such horrible things and STILL leave you feeling as if that person was not as horrible as she LEGITIMATELY is, then that is an excellent writer. No bias in this book at all. And THAT is what makes it amazing.

I look forward to seeing more of what Martha Hall Kelly has to offer.