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A review by helendipietro
Period Power: Harness Your Hormones and Get Your Cycle Working for You by Maisie Hill
This is one of those books that I wish I’d read sooner; it’s absolutely brilliant and completely essential. ‘Period Power’ is a no-nonsense guide bursting with professional advice from Maisie Hill - a highly-qualified and sought-after expert in women’s health. There is so much packed into this book ranging from helpful advice and tips, anecdotes from clients she’s had in the past and factual information delivered in such an engaging and accessible manner. Even shocking facts at times (apparently half of tampon-users flush them down the loo WITH THE APPLICATORS - WHAT?!)
This book made me feel empowered and inspired. I love the idea that we should learn to work with our body and not fight against it. The Cycle Strategy is simple yet feels revolutionary when you unpick it further! Finding ways to get the most out of each stage in your cycle is an absolutely brilliant mindset to have and something that I will now be considering in my day-to-day life. I’ve come away from reading this book with new habits and a desire to find out more! It made me question whether I should continue on hormonal contraception on the basis of the associated risks but also after learning of the benefits of progesterone on the body such as reducing inflammation, soothing mood, improving sleep and keeping oestrogen in check. I have also downloaded the period tracking app Clue and I’ve started a mood tracker!
At points, Maisie draws attention to the failings of our government and to the dismal research into women’s health in general. More has to be done!! I will definitely be returning to this essential bible of knowledge in the future and am eager to share what I’ve learnt with the people in my life!
Ps. The self-care section covered so much and felt hugely important!!