A review by apollo0325
My Solo Exchange Diary Vol. 2 by Nagata Kabi


This follows "My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness" as a kind-of sequel. Thematically, it's all very similar to us: Kabi Nagata is learning how to be self-sufficient, to love and to be loved, and to function as a person. However, this one was structured differently: now, it felt less like a stream of consciousness and more like diary entries (makes sense cause of the name of this one, ha!), and I enjoyed the format much more this time around. Each chapter is another diary entry, what Nagata calls "a solo exchange" which is basically a diary entry to yourself to allow introspection. Even though Nagata's struggles feel familiar to what she expressed in MLEWL, the formatting and language this time around was refreshing, presenting her struggles as an analysis of herself than laying herself bare for her audience. My favorite part was discussing the pressure and validation from an online presence, especially as a content creator and the effect it had on her too. It seems to be a common struggle with many content creators that gain an influx of attention.

*Even though I like this one a bit more than the first, I would suggest reading "My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness" first to gain context and insight into Kabi Nagata.