A review by bryckk
Asher Black by Parker S. Huntington

Did not finish book.
Asher & Lucy: No Where Near A Match

Well, this is my first DNF of 2023. I tried very hard with this story. At 48%, I couldn’t take any more. This plot had potential but the story was preposterous.

I found Lucy to be very silly, immature, and draining. I could stand to be trapped in her brain any longer! She annoyed the f*ck out of me and her background story has too many holes and makes absolutely no sense. For someone who had such a hard life as hers, I’d have thought she had more sense and backbone. She possessed neither.

Asher had so much potential to be a bad-ass Alphahero but he fell flat. He wasn’t threatening to say the least and ended up being dragged into Lucy’s silly bubble and acting just as flakey as she.

These two had no sexual chemistry and this book read more like a parody than a romance. I’m done.

If I recommend anything it’s that you don’t waste your time in this one.