A review by bookarina
Paper Towns by John Green


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WoW ! I can't simply put into words all the emotions I felt while reading this book. First of all it was one of the most beautifully, well-written book I have ever laid my eyes on to this day. Second of all, the characters are so easily likeable And thirdly it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole way ! When I first started this book I thought I would like it less then the fault in our stars ( which I have yet to finish, it's still ongoing), which I currently have a love hate relationship with... But let me tell you that the moment my eyes started reading it it took me by the feels and drove me into this marvelous journey that I wished would go on. When I finished it, it mad eme so sad... I was like : This CAN'T be IT, can it ???; and yes it was, it litterally broke my heart and got immediatly sent into my TO REREAD list. An unforgeteble book that will hook you on, read it without a wait and hopefully you will like it so much that you will never forget it !

-Bookarina :)