A review by tee_tee_lou_lou
Anything But Easy by Susie Tate


This was a fairly light and funny read that had me chuckling a few times. Tgere where some more serious topics thrown in but what I was most interested in going into this book after having it recommended as a decent grocel read was the slow breakdown of a strong woman, Kira having her self esteem shaken over and over until she lost her light. And then the realisation from Barclay that he was holding pure sunshine in his hands and he played a roll in snuffing it out.
It was actually very sad in that way, I think most people have felt at least once in their lives that they need to "tone it down" or "fit into a socially acceptable box" and that can really damage your self confidence especially if it keeps happening.
Kira is fun and colourful and loud and claims to have thick skin but people who have a personality like her have feeling just as deep as the next person, they can be hurt and should be torn down just for being a little "out there".
Anyway, it was a great read in that way. It really stired up those feelings in me. Made my heart sink a little more every time Kira was shut down, looked down on, or treated pooly. Also, happy to read the HEA.