A review by bryckk
Slaughter by Shantel Tessier

Did not finish book.
After 19% of this, I've Had Enough!

Sorry, I've had enough of this one. I just couldn't bring myself to finish.

When reading Dark Romance, I am prepared that there will be certian triggers. Thats why I appreciate it when authors include warnings about these triggers before the stories begin. While this book did give the warning that it contained adult subject matter, it did not give details about what would occur in this book.

I'm well aware that this book contains violence. After all, it is a DARK romance. However, I was unprepared for the level of violence that would be bestowed upon the heroine by the so-called Hero. Not just sexual violence but actual, physical violence. There was a scene that occurred “off page” that was clearly non-con. The heroine woke up sore the next morning but couldn't remember the sexual act occuring (she was drunk/passed out and the Hero knew this, therefore, she couldn't consent). He “just had to have her like this one more time.” Really?! So he’s had sex with her drunk and passed out before?