A review by zuzubaloo
Billy and the Minpins by Roald Dahl


Billy dreams of going through the gate and into the Forest of Sin, but his mother won't have it. One day, when she's in another room ironing, Billy is sitting idly thinking about such a thing when the Devil whispers in his ear to do it, and Billy does. However, the forest is home to a frightful creature, and Billy is soon chased by it until he climbs a tree. How will Billy get out of the forest? And what will he witness?

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”

I didn't particularly like this one. It lacked charm and magic—not magic as in supernatural, but magic as in captivating, enchanting. I also thought it ended too many pages after it should have ended.

I wish the forest had been named something else. Something better. Something with a bit more oomph. Sin is terrible, but it isn’t a scary word. Considering the forest, according to Billy’s mum, is supposed to be home to many fearsome creatures, a scarier word could have been used for the name of the forest instead.

Billy is an underdeveloped character. You don’t get to know Billy or the Minpins. Who are the Minpins? Where did they come from? Why are they small?