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A review by lt_tara
The Ex Effect by Karla Sorensen


I am on a roll, I finished both book one and book two today and I think I loved them equally. They each had aspects that were lacking a bit but honestly, I haven't had so much fun reading something like this in a long time. I was a huge fan of all the couples and reading book three first made me so excited to continue, now I cannot wait to get to the Ward sisters. This series was exactly what I needed, i consider the books to be perfect fun summer reads with just the right amount of cuteness hotness and a touch of angst (but reeeaally just a teeny tiny bit).

I flew through Ava and Matthew's book, I was so invested in the story and I loved the way it unfolded. The sister's ex trope was fun but it wasn't making the story angsty at all which I very much appreciated. It was truly focused on Ava and Matthew's relationship and how they found love. I really thought they were great together, with Allie and Luke I kind of missed the getting to know each other/spending time together doing other things than having sex aspect of the story but here I was glad they knew each other before but also spent a lot of time doing couple-y things together. Those are my favorite because they show the compatibility of the characters. What killed me though, and it is just a side note here, is how when Allie was on the phone with Matthew she said she had to go pick up HER DAUGHTER from school - I literally about died, that is the cutest how she sees Faith as hers, I loved it.

Okay back to these characters. Ava was both great and super annoying. I loved her because she was so great with all the guys on the team, she was super likable and sweet, I thought she was funny too and but oh boy did that girl get on my nerves when it came to her family. She knew exactly how they treated her her whole life and still she was so naive and she made such mess of everything. It was quite hilarious seeing Logan be interested especially having read his and Paige's story, but Ava really annoyed me by creating so much drama. She didn't want to talk about anything ever, she was downplaying her and Matthew's relationship for a while even though a blind person could see how much he loved her and she was all around messy.

Matthew on the other hand was everything and more. I adored him so freakin much, he was unproblematic and when there were issues he had to face he did it with conviction, he wanted to communicate, he was completely gone over Ava and it showed and I honestly just loved him a whole lot. I was like hell yeah when he finally had enough and demanded answers from Ava and time to process things.

But, like I said I still loved Ava, and that girl really pulled through at the end. She knew her behavior was bad and she just got caught up in wanting her family to show love and interest in her. I absolutely get it and so I wasn't mad at her is was just unnecessary drama. Oh but I hate her mother though I do.
Ava realized her mistakes immediately and her big gesture and the way she made things right with Matthew and confronted her family was awesome, I loved that part of the book so much. And then the epilogue was just a nice cherry on top that I really loved because it was so romantic and cute.