A review by maigahannatu
Born Survivors by Wendy Holden


Three Jewish women from three different countries end up in the same concentration camps during the Jewish extermination process in Nazi Germany. They are first sent to Auschwitz where they are asked upon arrival if they are pregnant. Two know they are, one isn't sure, but they all answer "no". From Auschwitz they are moved to work as forced labor in a factory. As the war was coming to an end, they were then moved to Mauthausen. One delivered her baby just before being moved to Mauthausen, one on the train there, and one on a cart just outside the gates. How any of the three women and their babies survived is unimaginable, yet survive they did. This is an absolutely amazing story of their bravery and courage and sheer grit and of the cruelty and inhumanity of the Nazis. I highly recommend this book!