A review by elylibrarysec
Cocky Delight by Maria Macdonald


Nola seems to have a whole lot of crazy going on. I thought my life was until I saw what our author created. Kato seems to be a patient man when it comes to getting what he wants. He’s also protective when the need arises.

The author doesn’t try to hide which character would be proud to have a title of a book named for them. They are very talented and knows it. She’s also good at keeping reader’s attentions by adding in some surprises as well as two characters that you can’t help but hate. When she adds in some animals that will give you a few humorous moments - made it easy to picture the scenes as they unfolded.

One way she shows creativity is when our main characters go at it – and not what you’re thinking either. Another way was all the humor she adds – you would have to be a funny person to get certain things right. I’m a tough audience because it takes a lot to get me to laugh. And then as we get close to the end, Ms. MacDonald decides to add in a twist.

We have some secondary characters that if you haven’t read Cocky Bastard you may want to check out first – just remember it’s from a different author. Since this is a new author for me, I look forward to seeing what else she has to offer. On the whole, this story was a quirky romance that includes a man who owns the title “cocky” and a great addition to the club.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.