A review by emlizzy
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling


In my quest to read (for the first time!) the entire Harry Potter Series over the next few months, I've finally gotten through book 3 (Prisoner of Azkaban). I read 1 and 2 over the holidays, but I think this has been my favorite of the series so far. It's longer and more complex than the first two books (Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets), and the characters are a bit more complex. The writing flows a bit better as well - feels like less of a children's book and more like YA. I had seen the movie when it came out, but I didn't remember the plot super clearly, so the resolution remained a mystery until the end, which definitely made it a page turner for me.

I'm sad I didn't try reading this series earlier - I absolutely love everything about this universe. I want to live at Hogwarts! I want to drink butterbeer! I want to live in a place where eating chocolate solves my ailments! I guess this why everyone loves these stories --- I should have gotten on this bandwagon years ago :)