A review by whatbritreads
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater


This one had me on the verge of crying I’m not going to lie to you. Why are the relationships in here so tender and beautiful? They’re reducing me to mush.

My criticism of Stiefvaters writing in the second book was thankfully a glitch because I loved it again in here, and the word gasoline made itself very scarce. God bless. The plot of this third instalment really picked up again as well, and the pacing was so much faster as well as it feeling a whole lot more intense atmosphere wise. The stakes are really starting to pick up in this series, and it’s starting to adopt a little bit of a darker vibe which is equal parts great but also awful (for my heart).

I liked how whimsical this one felt too. We have the introduction of some fresh faces that we get to properly meet and explore, and all of these differing personalities coming together for a common cause is quite entertaining. The humour in here is on point, and I’m absolutely obsessed with the effortless banter and funny conversations the characters have. Their relationships and dynamics just have so many layers, and by the book those seem to get strengthened and tested in various ways, it’s very interesting to read about.

The development of the overall plot of this series feels really well balanced. There are still several little plot twists and cliffhangers as we go, and you will repeatedly find yourself thinking you know exactly what’s happening but you’ll be wrong. It’s full of surprises.

I just want nothing more than these characters to be happy. They’ve taken up a huge space inside of my heart and I am nowhere near ready to leave them. It’s crazy how something so comforting can also be really emotional and heartbreaking. Help.