A review by booksncrannies_official
Heroes: A Novel of Pearl Harbor by Alan Gratz


"'A real hero steps in when they see people getting hurt, no matter what'" — a quote that the characters of Heroes wonderfully demonstrate in so many different ways. From the very beginning of the book, the nonstop action carried me right through the story! I felt really involved in the action of the plot and enjoyed Gratz's attention to sensory details — it greatly helped to bring the story to life. The plot is definitely well structured and holds a lot of exciting action. The main characters, Frank and Stanley, have so many realistic thoughts, emotions, strengths, and weaknesses that I found it very easy to connect with them during their dynamic development. Since this novel accurately portrays the cruelty that Japanese Americans faced after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the fear and shock of such mistreatment is presented in a personal level with the reader through Stanley's character (he has Japanese ancestry). Displaying descriptive word choices and smooth flow, Gratz's writing style is a balanced approach for the riveting action in the story. Heroes is an exciting and action-packed look at a day "which will live in infamy."