A review by shannon_cocktailsandbooks
Falling for June by Ryan Winfield


This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

This is the first Ryan Winfield book I have read, so I didn’t know quite know what to expect from Falling for June. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this read! Winfield has a wonderful way of transporting the reader to the past. I felt very much a part of David and June’s love story. Readers learn about David and June’s story of love and adventure as David is telling it to Elliot. I did not expect to fall in love with the characters as much as I did. I was as rapt listening to David’s story as Elliot was and was all along hoping that Elliot would find true love as well. This was a very emotional read. I felt the characters’ pain, love, longing, despair—I know that sounds as corny as hell, but it’s the darn truth! I had tears streaming down my face for half of this book! Read this book. It is touching and awesome. I will definitely be looking for more of Winfield’s books to fall into!

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