A review by jazmin
Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare


“There is truth in stories,” said Arthur. “There is truth in one of your paintings, boy or in a sunset or a couplet from Homer. Fiction is truth, even if it is not a fact. If you believe only in facts and forget stories, your brain will live, but your heart will die.”

The Dark Artifices is one of my favourite series of all time, and is my favourite tsc series! I’ve already read it so I can’t write a review based on my initial thoughts, so let’s just discuss some scenes and things that I love about it.

Emma Carstairs. Does this even need an explanation? Emma is my favourite tsc main character and one of my favourite characters of all time.

“Sometimes she thought the only things she had faith in were revenge and Julian.”

Mark Blackthorn. Another favourite character! He makes appearances in tmi and tales from the shadowhunter academy but we don’t truly get a grasp on the suffering he went through during his time in faerie. The scene where he returns to his family is heartbreaking and his slow acclimation to his new surroundings is beautiful.

”To make a true choice, we must have true knowledge.”

Julian and the rest of the Blackthorns (and Kit!). How on earth are they descended from Tatiana?! I love each and every one of them and I can’t wait for twp where we’ll get to see more of them, Ty and Dru especially :)

”A bad law is no law.”

Christina Rosales. Her friendship with Emma is everything, and she’s one of my favourite tsc characters as well. Somehow she always knows what to do?? Anyways she’s the only sensible person at the Los Angeles Institute other than Diana.

She had wondered, when he’d looked in her eyes and said that he’d had to make do without mirrors in the Wild Hunt, whose eyes he’d been looking into for all those years. Now she knew.”

Diana Wrayburn. She reminds me of Charlotte Fairchild because she is sort of a parental figure to the main characters, just like Charlotte was in tid. She is so strong and so brave and I love her character!

“Revenge isn't family, Emma. It isn't a friend, and it's a cold bedfellow”


The plot. This book focuses more on politics between the nephilim and downworld after the war (in addition to the “main plot”) which I love. Of course, it's sad because the Blackthorn family is at the centre of the issues and have suffered because of the Cold Peace, but it is still really interesting, and I love them and their vibe.

Overall: Anyways, I’m sorry for this long review but there are just so many things I love about this series! Even if you’re not a fan of tmi, definitely give Cassandra Clare’s other series a try!