A review by perfect_leaves
Lady Stuff: Secrets to Being a Woman by Loryn Brantz


This comic collection was super disappointing. To be honest, I requested it on NetGalley by accident, because I mistook it for Sarah Anderson's work. Once I realized this was something else entirely, I decided to roll with it. How bad could it be, right? 

Apparently, very, very bad. The jokes felt tired and at times forced. I felt like I'd seen most of the comics online before. Brantz writes for Buzzfeed and has work featured in several children's novels. I didn't bother to find any of her other books, but I will say that adult comic collections are not her strong suit. Sure the situations are relatable, but the stories aren't told in a particularly interesting way. Most of the comics are one or two panels, and quite a few are "before and after" type drawings. I found myself yawning as I scrolled through the pages. I couldn't wait the for book to end. If any of my readers see Lady Stuff, move on. Sarah Anderson does a better job of showing us what it's like to be a lady.