A review by abigail_lo
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls


First of all: I love this book. (Obviously!) And I have absolutely no idea how to go about writing a review for this book. But I'll say one thing: for what I think is the first time in my life, I started re-reading [b:The Glass Castle|7445|The Glass Castle|Jeannette Walls|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1400930557s/7445.jpg|2944133] as soon as I closed it. I had to physically tear myself away and remind myself of all those read-to-reviews I hadn't done yet to get myself to stop reading!Another thing that bothers me: many of the negative reviewers here on GR call Jeannette narcissistic or whiny, which I simply can't understand. She's simply telling her life as it is! Would you prefer that she lie and talk about how perfect her childhood was? Not once when I was reading did I think Jeannette came across as whiny. REVIEW #2: still ama

zing. no words. it's amazing how she can portray everyone with such humanity. seriously, i don't know what to say, except that everyone should read it.