A review by kimball_hansen
Dinner with Buddha by Roland Merullo


I liked this better than [b:Lunch with Buddha|16069313|Lunch with Buddha|Roland Merullo|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1349472784s/16069313.jpg|21861984]. I really thought (and was hoping) that the book was going in a mystery/suspense/drama with the Chinese people and there were a few scenes where Rinpoche could have beat up a few people and I wished he had so we could see the anger and fury of a monk unleashed. Maybe that's unrealistic though and only happens in Nintendo games. I wonder how he got so strong and huge? And why? If he was in a situation where he needed to dominate someone physically would he do it? I don't know much about Buddhism to understand it.

The book left me hanging and I hope the author makes Midnight Snack with Buddha or 4th Meal with Buddha.

I'm not sure what Otto is hanging on to anymore. He's lost everything. So I suppose it's just the Past. If I were him and I got fired I'd move to the ranch to spend time with Rinpoche. That'd be the Life right there. Retire at age 50 and spend time being Enlightened. What more could he want?