A review by bookarina
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan


Welcome to this book review !

Okay I don't usually do this but this will be an exception or one of them we'll see ! So it will go down this way a part for the people who only saw the movie and are thinking about reading the book with no spoilers obviously, second a part for the people who are interested in the book and haven't seen the movie and third a spoiler part for all the people who have read the book. IT will keep you on your toes through the whole book and make you feel all the little emotions possible. Though start it when you have time because once you start reading it it is almost impossible to stop!


So the movie was aweasome yes it's a true story obviously we all really enjoyed it seen as they made a sencond one. I personally was obsessed with it, I mean I amy haved watched it dozens of times, If you are here it can only mean one thing you are considering reading the book ! GREAT now let's get down to things one the movies is soooo diferent from the book it's unerving I'll never see that movie in the same light again. The movie is nothing compared to that marvelous book! IT'S so AMAZING do not let the fear of not lking it because you saw the movie stop you. There is so much more to that story compared to what they let show in the movie ! So GO READ IT DO NOT WAIT !And don't forget to tell me how much you did or didn't enjoy it though let's be honnest it will be amazing if you feel the same way I did about the movie. BTW, in the book percy is 12 years old !Though he is really funny and amazing you will easily get attached to him ! You won't be able to put it down you will be like "just one more page!"


I loved that book I can not wait to re-read it and I haven't even finished reading the series yet. This is entertaining you can simply not stop reading it, it's you could ever ask for in a book percy is quirky, cute adorable, brave and the est most amazing 12 years old boy you will "meet". I loved his mind thoughts, how he would share most of the things that passed through his mind. You will love the story it's amazingly entertaning and I loved the way the story flew as if writing it had been effort less. Rick's Riordan writting style is flowy, beautiful and will blow your mind.


OMG!!! I CAN'T EVEN, it was sooo good I was so afraid to read it at first because I had seen the movie and now I feel so dumb about it! IT was such a well written book and all the characters were relatable and loveable. Percy was so cute I loved when Poseidon "clamed" him as his son and he was like "I'm so sorry..." and it was so cute. At the same time the action was always on point and even after the darkest moments, which made you cry, he would find a way to make you smile laugh and simply enjoy life. My heart was throw everywhere and I lost a bit of myself more and more each time I turned a page. IT was THE BEST, this series is going to be FABULOUS I can feel it in my bones and I can not wait to start the next one and all the other after. I loved the backround story we got with every characters because that is usually something that bothers me in other books, when everyone (in the book) seem to know something even the protagonist and they just aren't explaining it to you! It was such a relief for me when I could be on the "same page" as everyone (almost) in the story. We could easily understand what was happening and there was always an unexpected turn that kept you on your toes. What did you think about it let me know :)!

END : Go check out my blog ! :) : https://bookarinablog.wordpress.com
See you next time,...
Love xox -Bookarina :)