A review by caiacassiopeia
Too Hostile by Nicole Dykes


I should’ve probably dnf’d it around 30%
But I was waiting for Fletcher’s story since Hostile released.
Teacher/Student is always difficult for me, bc I want the forbidden aspect to be visible AF and probably angsty as well. I’m also honest, I expected a bigger age gap. I think all the interesting things regarding the S/T relationship was taken out of the picture within the first few pages. 

Fs coming out was a bit off (if you read Hostile and got a feeling for the family dynamics) 

((Side Note: There was a scene at the lake house that didn’t make sense to me either…))

The 2.75rating:
 2.5 is my neutral base line for not good/not bad
+0.25 bc it was a good start, but left me hanging in the end.
Rounded up to 3Stars on GR