A review by abrunettereads
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan


This is my first reading Percy Jackson ever. Yes I know, I’m super duper late to the party, but hey atleast I’m here now!

This was a quick, fun book that I devoured in 1 day. It was ecstatic to get back into a YA world, especially one with such character and charisma. PJO TLT has everything a person needs to get hooked. Well written characters, banter, ADVENTURE, and a sense of home-coming.

It’s a coming of age story about a young boy, Percy Jackson, and the adventures he has once he realizes he is a demi-god. Son of Poseidon, Percy is one of many children who have a Greek God as their parent. And each of them have special abilities or gifts from that bond. Out boy Percy here rejuvenates the minute he touches water. Also, how did it take him SO LONG to realise who his father was? Like literally boy, you turn into a full fledged powerpuff girl when in water and you still DIDNT KNOW WHO YOUR FATHER WAS?!?

There is an adventure that a close trio must make in order to return a stolen item. Along the way, they meet other Greek Gods or monsters, each of whom have their own way of helping/torturing. All in all, I really enjoyed the interactions they had with the trio.

There were some plot points that was just so obvious, like you could smell it a mile away. And then there’s the whole thing about Percy just accepting this new world. Like kid, you thought your dad left you and that sometimes words are difficult to read, but throw few Gods and Ancient Greek at him on day 2 and he is just grooving with it? Naaah, that didn’t feel relatable at all.

All in all, good book. Excited for the next one ♥️

My favorite quote:

« Go on with what your heart tells you, or you will lose all. »