A review by juicelina
ブルースカイコンプレックス番外編\u3000インディゴブルーのグラデーション by 市川けい, Kei Ichikawa


*Reread 6/3/2022*
Hit this with a reread because I've been obsessively looking up all the different books and side comics of this series and I'm trying to figure out what I have and haven't read yet. I'm afraid this is becoming my new hyper-fixation.

I don't have anything to add to my previous review since it's only been like 2 weeks since I last read it. I can only say "I LOVE THEM SO MUCH" so many times. I do hope the rest of the doujins get published into a bind-up and eventually translated into English.

*Original Review 5/20/2022*
I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I'm so happy that futekiya translated Ichikawa's doujinshi. It was so great seeing all these cute little side stories. The last one makes me want to cry it was so cute and wholesome. I love how Natsuki meshes so perfectly with Motochika's family. They've just grown so much and they've gotten so close and they just love each other so much. I have to stop because I'm literally crying over this.

Anyway... this was really good and it did well to hold me over while I wait for futekiya to put up the translations for the next volumes which start posting next week!!! I definitely want to reread these all the way through at some point, because I kind of miss experiencing this story, but I'll probably wait until after Volume 7 is completely up. AH! So excited. I really hope someone picks up these up for physical English editions at some point. It's just such a good series.