A review by brittkieff
Scum Manifesto by Valerie Solanas

“Males, like the rats following the Pied Piper, will be lured by Pussy to their doom, will be overcome and submerged by and will eventually drown in the passive flesh that they are.”

“Self-forgetfulness should be one’s goal, not self-absorption. The male, capable of only the latter, makes a virtue of an irremediable fault and sets up self-absorption, not only as a good but as a Philosophical Good, and thus gets credit for being deep.”

“Like the aesthete “appreciating” the blob that’s labeled “Great Art,” she believes she’s grooving on what bores the shit out of her.”

“The male’s inability to relate to anybody or anything makes his life pointless and meaningless (the ultimate male insight is that life is absurd), so he invented philosophy and religion.”

“The “hippy” is enticed to the commune mainly by the prospect of all the free pussy — the main commodity to be shared.”

“The male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion.”

This doesn’t feel like the kind of thing I should give a star rating so I’m not doing that. But what this lacks in nuance it makes up for in the pure expression of rage against an unjust society and comedy.

Also my edition had a lot of bizarre typos which I chalked up to Solanas writing in a fit of passion and not caring to correct her own typos, but then there were even worse typos in the bio of Solanas following the text of the SCUM Manifesto. Like within a single paragraph the person who wrote this bio alternately misspells Valerie’s name as “Varlerie” and “Valarie.” What the fuck. Also Michelle Tea’s introduction is