A review by rkaufman13
An Arsonist's Guide to Writers' Homes in New England by Brock Clarke


How do I explain how I feel about this book?

When writers first figure out they can write, they gain this amazing power. Suddenly the writer realizes that he can manipulate words and stories to create universes.

Drunk on this power, the writer writes metafiction.

I'm sure "metafiction" has a technical meaning that I'm not aware of--but screw it, I'm not an English grad student. What I mean is, writers are fascinated with the writing process but the rest of the world isn't.

Which is a rather roundabout way of saying that if I wasn't a writer, I'm not sure I'd have liked the book as much as I did, and even still, it was touch and go for a while.

If you're of a literary bent you will probably find this book hilarious. I certainly did. Brock Clarke's style is clever and funny and poignant just at the right times. There should be more books like this.