A review by suzannalundale
Little Victories: Perfect Rules for Imperfect Living by Jason Gay


This little volume has been quite a surprise for me. It was in some list I read in December, of goal-affirming books, or something -- something I wouldn't normally read, but several looked kind of interesting, so I put most of the list on hold at the library. From the start, this book spoke to me in a very down-to-earth voice, funny and calm, and not taking itself too seriously. There's a chapter affirming the importance of maintaining friendships, and putting in the effort to do so, that came at a good time for me. There's also a thread running through about his relationship with his dad, and his dad's illness and death, that included some reminders I needed just now. Even the material on parenting, which doesn't pertain to me directly, was amusing and had me nodding my head in agreement from my knowledge of friends' parenting misadventures. All in all, Little Victories has been an enjoyable quick read, with some thoughts I'll carry away with me to my advantage.