A review by abinthebooks
Nocturna by Maya Motayne


2 1/2 months later

Now that I think about this book more, and I've read a Darker Shade of Magic, this feels like a YA version of that and I'm kinda low key liking this idea after I sat on it for awhile


I haven't wrote a review in a long time so I apologize if I'm a little rusty.

I was super excited for Nocturna. It was one of my most anticipated releases of 2019 and i finally got around to reading it. Here is to say I'm kinda disappointed.

The magic system was confusing in this world for me personally. It took me at least 250 pages to understand what was going on (maybe because I'm an idiot, that could possibly be the case) but I just felt like it didn't make much sense. And after I found out how the magic system worked, I just thought the magic system wasn't all too great.

I also thought this book was a standalone (which was on me for once again, being a literal idiot). The way it was written just felt as though the book was a standalone. Especially the ending (even though the ending kinda sucked which I'm not gonna get into because I'll rant about that for hours)

Will I continue with the series? Possibly? Is that a for sure yes this book was amazing? Absolutely not.