A review by eldritchreader
Bi : The Hidden Culture, History and Science of Bisexuality by Julia Shaw


This is gorgeously thought out, incredibly well researched and yet easily accessible non-fiction exploration on bisexuality, and sexuality in general. Bi is incredibly comprehensive, exploring the history, myths, research, culture, politics and sociological aspects of how bisexual sexuality exists throughout human society. At times, the information is confronting and incredibly frustrating. But Shaw presents the narrative with a sense of walking through it alongside someone who knows and sees that confrontation.

With information is power - this is the sense that is garnered throughout this publication. There is a powerfulness instilled within the pages for LGBTQIA+ readers. The statistics and research provide a sense of validation. But the book is still very much written for the average reader. A highly recommended book for anyone interested in sexuality studies. But particularly for anyone who identifies under the bisexual umbrella.

trigger warnings: queermisia (incl. internalized), bimisia, mental health, suicide mentioned, misogyny & sexism, racism, sexual assault & harassment, rape, incarceration, physical assault, abandonement & isolation, conversion therapy, religious bigotry mentioned

Note: Review copy received from Allen & Unwin. This does not impact opinions within this review.

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